Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Here I go again!

Well, I am back this time, hopefully better able to post. I have been so
busy, that just sitting down at the computer has been a challenge!! My
personal issue is income, not enough of it. My job is not as stable as I
would like, and so I have been looking for a better job with more money and
stability. But that is neither here nor there, this blog is about my
favorite pastime, corporal punishment.

And on that front....Not much!! I have been so busy, the BDSM thoughts have
been at the back of my mind. I always want to share my fantasies, but lately
my fantasies have not been all that different from what I have shared in the
past, which is unusual, because typically they change on almost a daily
basis depending on my imagination. But I have been so consumed in job search
lately and bridging the income gap, that little time for else. So this blog
is short, and boring, but something. I will be having more home time now
since most of my immediate income problems are resolved I think, just a job
search, which effectively is always an ongoing process for me. And with more
time comes more fantasy and stories.

I am thinking about taking this blog into the storybook realm, kind of like
"as the BDSM world turns". Stay tuned.



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