Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Discovering the BDSM world as an adult

When I turned 18, I of coarse started to buy porn. But nothing really interested me, that is until I bought a variations magazine. Then I discovered some stories that really turned me on. I also saw a couple of ads from BDSM publishers. It was not until I moved away from home that I started to order though, at about age 21. I first ordered a letter, and asked the publisher if this was all legal. He said it was, and not to worry.

In a later edition of variations, I saw an ad for Nu-West. I was living with a roomate at the time, my first official residence away from my parents! So I ordered their catalogs for like $20. I sooo anticipated them! I remember a couple of weeks later, the mail came, and there it was, a large envelope containing the catalogs! My roommate was at work, so I ran into my room and opened it. The first thing I saw was a photo on the front of a cataloge with one woman accross the knee of another, and the woman doing the spanking was using a hair brush and gritting her teeth! I knew I had found my interest. I thumbed through the catalogs, and with-in five minutes I was masterbating to the photo's. I know for days later I was doing the same, and at the same time planning my first purchase of a spanking video. More on that later.



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