Monday, February 27, 2006

Here is that teacher in Florida recently convicted of having sex with one of her 13 year old students. That is her on the left in the pink. First, can I fuck the lawyer? Second, can I have a threesome with both of them? Sheesh!! Anyhow, Nu-wests Ed Lee suggested a good whipping for her. OK, I like the idea. I will do the honors. Strip her, tie her to a whipping post, whip her til she begs for mercy, then fuck her!!

I like this one. Lupus pictures all. When I was youngerI watched a movie where some women prisoners were being marched, and I guess some woman did something wrong. The took her to the side of the road, nelt her before a post of some type, tied her to it, and whipped her. This scene reminds me of that, only a little more formal.

Here is one from the folks at OWK, as in Other World Kingdom. I guess the place is real. I talked to some dom somewhere a couple of years ago, and she said that she had a client that went there on vacation every year. Apparently it is in Germany and is kind of like a resort where men and women go. But no men doms, only subs, and the shit is serious. So, if you are a guy, submissive, and you want a total fantasy experience, then that is the place to go.