I should explain. Yes, I faltered again, but the tempation was great. The experience, less than. Why? Because again, I went in as a sub, not as a dominant, or a switch. SHE is beutiful, and like I said, is not to junior to me. Early to mid thirties. She tried, but the problem was not her, it was me. I just could not get into it. I have determined that I prefer to watch, or be the dominant. The guise was that I was an accused criminal, and she was the judge, jury and executioner. She convicted me on some trump charges, which really does not matter. She started with putting me over her knee, and a hand spanking. Frankly, that was a none event for me. She could have went a lot longer and harder, and it probably would not have hurt. Then she suspended me by the wrists, and used a whippy little cane. WOW, that I felt!! She just did quick little strokes for a longer duration. The pain built up, and I started to wreath from the pain. After that, I wanted to break character and just kind of let her do her thing. She did a violet wand down there, not much to that thing. If you like static shocks to your genitles, then I suggest it. But it is not really a turn on for me. In the end, I went away rather unsatisified. I guess I am still exploring.

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