OK, I don't know what I Googled here, but I like it. A little fuzzy I know, but you should be able to decipher that it is a woman strung up on a whipping post (my favorite item) and struggling. Whipping posts are one of my favorite things. I fantacise that there is a society that is made up of folks like me that live in a village with a bonified whipping post in the town square, for anyone to use. Not for judicial purposes, though that would be nice, but for entertainment. I think it would be interesting that all that wish to live there would acknowledge that to live there, they must submit to the judical whippings metted out. But I would make it so that the condemned could select from a panel of people to flog them. Get led on the short walk from jail to the whipping post, tied to it, then pick the person that is going to whip you. You are naked of coarse, for all to see. You might even get to see something like this picture!! A woman that submits to the idea, but then doesn't really want to do it. So she struggles and tugs at the restraints, like in the photo, but to no avail. When she refuses to pick someone, the judge picks the most capable of the men, who is a bulky body builder. Me personally, I would pick a woman that was a body builder. Why not? Any how, this photo really caught my eye!!

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