wants to show you some pictures
Neeros ( has invited you to look at pictures together, using Hello.
Neeros said:
YIKES! I guess I am not getting up until someone is done lashing my lily white ass!!
Hello is a free program that lets you share pictures while you chat online, over a secure direct connection with your friends. It's as quick and as simple as dragging and dropping files.
To download Hello and get started sharing photos, click on this picture, or go directly to our sign up page. You'll be able to select a username and password, and before you know it (it takes about 30 seconds to download), you'll be sending and receiving pictures too.
You can learn more at

(are you still using email to share pictures?)
If the links above do not work, you can copy and paste this link into your web browser:
Picasa will not sell, share or in any way distribute your email address or personal information. To learn more about privacy and security in the Hello network, go to
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